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The Lodge of Fellowship was formed and consecrated on the 3rd September 1948 by 13 Brother Masons and this is depicted on the Lodge of Fellowship Crest by 13 linked hands forming a loving circle into which all freemasons should always be welcome. 

The Worshipful Master presiding over events at that time was W. Bro V L Dales and the meeting was held at the Masonic Hall in Stechford.

When the lodge was first discussed the founders wished to emphasise the values the values of “Brotherly Love – Relief – Truth” and this inspired the name “The Lodge of Fellowship”


By the time the Lodge recorded its 200th meeting on Wednesday 19th January 1977 several of the current Past Masters today were recorded as starting their Masonic journey and many still are in office. 

This demonstrates the real core and backbone to our Lodge founded over a long period of time, experience which is handed down to every new brother, we have currently four brethren that have reached the milestone of 50 years within the Masonic family and we are proud to say one of our brethren W. Bro M D Cox PSGD (Past Senior Grand Deacon of the United Grand Lodge of England) has also reached the Masonic position of Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master, something we in the Lodge of Fellowship are very proud of.

The Lodge moved to its current location at the Masonic Hall in Moseley in October 2011 (now known as Kings Heath Freemasons Hall) and to date a total of 188 masons have joined the Lodge of Fellowship over the years, with the latest being initiated in February 2020.
We “The Lodge of Fellowship” are very proud to be known as a friendly and fun lodge and is in very good hands to move forward towards its 75th year, which is due to be celebrated in September 2023.



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