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The Lodge of Fellowship reached its 75th Birthday on the 3rd September 2023 and I now detail briefly its history.

It was on the 14th April 1947 when a group of Stechford Masons met at the Old Chambers of Commerce in New Street, Birmingham to consider the formation of a new Lodge to be dedicated to the memory of W. Bro. Charles David Eaton, a venerable and notable Freemason, and it was to be called “The Eaton Lodge of Fellowship” 

Unfortunately, permission was not granted for the name Eaton to be included in the Lodge title and instead the “Lodge of Fellowship” was suggested and agreed by the Founders.

Stechford Lodge No. 3185 having agreed to sponsor the new Lodge accepted the petition duly signed by all the founders, at their regular meeting on the 10th April 1948. 

The Warrant of the Lodge of Fellowship No 6707 was granted by the United Grand Lodge of England on 2nd June 1948 and the Consecration ceremony took place at the Masonic Hall, Kings Heath on Friday September 3rd 1948. The Consecration ceremony was conducted by W. Bro. Ben March, JP., PGD., Deputy Provincial Grand Master, in charge. 

W. Bro. V.L. Dales P.P.G. TREAS. was installed as the first Master of the Lodge with W. Bro. S. F. Smith, P.D.G.D.C. as I.P.M.

At the first regular meeting of the Lodge on Wednesday 20th October 1948, 64 people attended (20 Brethren, 43 guests and the Tyler) A ballots took place for Six joining members, and also a further ballot took place for 2 candidates for Initiation. The Charity collection raised £8. 6s. 0d on the night which was on average just under half a male manual workers weekly wage at that time.

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Leslie Henry Challinor became the first Initiate and was subsequently installed as Master of the Lodge in 1958.

Since the founding of the Lodge and up to September 2023, 190 Masons have joined the Lodge of Fellowship with the latest being Bro Ryan Murphy who was initiated in January 2023.

The Lodge Banner was designed by Bro. T. L. Lancaster, one of the first six joining  members. The design first appeared as the Lodge crest on the summons for the 14th meeting held on 19th April 1950. The banner itself was then embroidered at cost of £75.00 and was consecrated at the Regular Lodge meeting on the 19th December 1951.

The banner design shows 26 hands (13 pairs) depicting those of the 13 founder members, clasped in a bond of eternal fellowship. 

The motto of the lodge is “Dei memor et amicis” records show that the interpretation placed on this by the founders was “Mindful of God and Friends”

In the early years the Lodge held a class of rehearsal in the Emmanuel Church rooms. Eventually however, at a Regular meeting of the Lodge on the 18th December 1963 it was proposed that permission be sought to form a Lodge of Instruction in connection with the Lodge. It was later reported at the meeting on the 15th April 1964 that the Lodge had received acceptance and approval from Provincial Grand Lodge to the By-Laws of the Fellowship Lodge of Instruction No 6707, the Lodge duly elected W. Bro. F.L. Lancaster, PPJGW to be its first preceptor, a position that is currently held today by W. Bro David E Timms PPJGW.

The Lodge met at premises on the corner of Lydon Road and Station Road Stechford, however the Masonic brethren launched a scheme to raise funds to invest in a more commodious premises, not knowing how long it would take.

In December 1969 the Lodge members decided to change with tradition and invited all wives, families and friends of the brethren to join the festive board to celebrate Christmas a tradition we enjoy to this day.

The following month there was another change, January 1970 the Past Masters Night became an Olde English Night, past masters would occupy the chairs for the ceremony of raising to be conducted. The festive board following such a meeting the junior brethren had the opportunity to entertain the Lodge with songs and recitations, also the smoking of clay pipes took place.

Eventually with sufficient funds raised for new premises, the building on the corner of Bordesley Green and Richmond Road became available and once it had been adapted for Masonic uses the Lodge held its first meeting in the new premises on Wednesday 18th October 1972.

In 1974 the Lodge of Instruction moved to the Stechford Masonic Hall.

Since the formation of the Lodge, we have generously supported without question both Masonic and Non-Masonic Charities.

From the initial concept of forming a new lodge back in 1948 there has been may notable dates and I have listed a few.

In 1991 W. Bro M D Cox was appointed a Provincial Grand Steward and this was then followed in 1994 by a promotion to Provincial Junior Grand Warden.

During the Lodge season 1997-1998 the Lodge celebrated its 50th year and W. Bro P.J. Goon was in the chair for the Golden Jubilee celebrations,  and it was by dispensation that a special meeting was held on the 5th September 1998 at the Stechford Masonic Hall to celebrate the Consecration of the Lodge. Following the sad decline in membership for various reasons and the fall in new candidates in 1999, W. Bro A.L. Skipper PPSGW became the first Past Master to be installed as Master for a second time, having been Master in 1992. In 2000, W. Bro M.D. Cox PPJGW received another appointment this one being that of a Grand Lodge Officer, the first in our Lodge.

In 2007 the smoking of clay pipes at the January Old English Night was discontinued due to general legislation prohibiting smoking in public places. The Lodge moved from Stechford  to the Masonic Hall in Moseley (now known as Kings Heath Freemasons Hall) in October 2011.

In 2011, W. Bro. D.E. Williams LL B PPSGW became the first Past Master to be installed as Master for a third time, having been Master in 1990 and 2007. In 2017 continuing on his very impressive Masonic journey W. Bro M D Cox was appointed Assistant Provincial Grand Master and in 2019 he was appointed PSGD, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master.


Other notable appointments have been that W. Bro. J. K. Peel JP PPJGW and W. Bro D. E. Timms PPJGW were appointed Acting Provincial Assistant Director of Ceremonies. Then in 2020 Covid-19 became a worldwide pandemic and Lodge meetings were temporarily suspended. However, the Lodge of Fellowship Lodge in true tradition of Freemasonry held itself together and monthly Zoom meetings were held for brethren to keep in touch with each other. A directive from The United Grand Lodge of England was issued stating all Masters in the Chair in 2019 should continue in that position for a second year. 

Therefore W. Bro A.D. Mack who became Master in 2019 remained Master for  2020/2021 due to this United Grand Lodge of England directive, then agreed to take the office of Master for 2021/2022 due to unfortunate resignations. Following dispensation for this special meeting tonight we celebrate the Consecration of the Lodge it’s, 75th year and records will show that W. Bro. T G Hall who joined the lodge in 2011 has presided over tonight event.

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